Live Your Best F**K&%G Life!!

We always tell people to live their best life, or we always tell people that we are trying to live our best life. But what does that mean? How does one really get to live their best life?


I was scrolling the twittersphere as I do any time I’m avoiding something important and I saw a tweet from Puff Daddy, Diddy, L O V E, whatever he calls himself now, that read: “LIVE YOUR BEST FUCKING LIFE!!” I really had to hurry and retweet and like that, because YES. That is an endless mood and mantra.

Living your best life is when you can truly sit back and have little to no worries in the world. It does not mean you are the richest, it doesn’t mean you’re nailing everything you try, but it does mean you at least tried that thing you were scared of and you at least are making moves towards things. It means you focus on all your wins, even tiny ones and don’t put too much weight on the negatives and losses. Living your best life is living in a happier, comfortable space with where you’re going, where you’ve been, and who you are.

I know a lot of people struggle with the concept of living their best lives because, well, they’re doing it wrong or don’t know how to really begin. Here’s my simple set of guidelines that should help you bolster your life from slightly ashy and sad to shiny and bad.


5 Tips to Live Your Best Life



1. Put your life in rice

It’s time for a reset. Before you can really move forward, you have to assess what the issues are. Stop dwelling on the mistakes already made and find out how to really fix them. Drop the negativity and self-doubt about things you have wanted to accomplish and seek out, and create a plan. It’s time to stop comparing yourself to people who might be at step 10 in their journey when you’re still at the starting line. The gun is about to go off, get in the blocks and prepare for the one-man race you're about to win. But really, it's a marathon - pace yourself. 

But also remember that practice makes perfect; A few failures doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Get all that negative juju out of your life and start pulling on positive reinforcement and good energy. Time to pick yourself up and tend to your own garden.




2. Be Confidently Lost

You might be alone, but you’re not lonely… It’s okay to be constantly evolving and steadily revolving (Shout out Sabrina Claudio). Basically, what I’m saying is: don’t worry about not knowing exactly where you want to be just yet, just know that you’re not alone in this journey of trying to figure out just what the fuck you’re doing. It’s okay. Just make it look sexy. Stop stressing about things that won’t change and start working on things that you can improve. Start simple and work your way up to the bigger goals. It’s okay to still be thinking about where you’re going, but don’t be stagnant. Be confident in YOUR journey. It’ll make for a happier existence and it will radiate from your pores how happy you are - you’ll begin getting positive feedback from the universe.

Don’t know what to do with your career? That’s fine. But I bet you can tackle your health and diet in the meantime. Don’t know if you’ll find someone worth growing old with? Cool, but I bet you can make the best memories with your friends and family while they’re still on this earth. Don’t know if you’ll get that promotion? Understood, but I bet you have a business plan you’ve been ignoring - get on it. Make the best out of the situation you have and don’t allow one L to spiral into multiple L’s. Take control of your life and don’t let it all merge into one another - that’s how you get depressed.

You may be lost in one area, but don’t panic. Re-route.




3. Detox  

So, we all love to keep people around that are toxic sometimes because we assume they’re not. If you ever start to wonder why all the rain and all the thunder follows them around, then you need to cut them loose (thanks Daniel Caesar). You can’t possibly have radiant skin if you don’t detox. How can you possibly experience anything wonderful if you’re still hanging on to people who don’t even care about your emotional/mental well-being by constantly drowning you in sorrow? Let these friends, exes, situationships go. They’re not leading to anything positive and honestly, they’re probably distracting you from really making money moves. Don’t waste your energy building with people who don’t want to even be sturdy foundations for you. You’ll find that when things get heavy or when you really need someone to support your dreams the walls in the house you built will become cracked. Share your space with like-minded people, and friends and family who actually want to see you winning. That person that texts you after 11 when you want them to be more is nothing but a distraction that wanna keep you sinning.

When you start keeping your good vibes resonating with other happy vibes things will automatically feel better. Even your worst days turn to laughter, and your concentration on your goals will be fed and nurtured. Detox, detox, detox.




4. Put That Bitch In Park

It’s okay to rest and tell people “no”. Your time is yours and how you choose to spend it is important. In order to be rested and ready to take jaw dropping selfies that publicly announce how good you’re living, you truly need your rest and relaxation (stuntin’ on people can get exhausting!) Slow down sometimes and smell the roses. Do things that make you happy and don’t always bend over backwards for other people. You really get to enjoy your life more when you pamper yourself. It’s okay to love yourself and on yourself. Don’t let people guilt you into feeling like you aren’t a good friend for going MIA on them to recharge some weekends, or like you’re selfish because you decide to say “no” to a task sometimes. You know your worth. Take the time to really sit down and hang out with yourself, it’s worth it.

Not only should you sit down and really take in life, but you should truly celebrate your accomplishments. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the fast life when we really get in our work mode, but you have to really take time to appreciate your accomplishments and not feel guilty for it. Treat yourself. It’ll allow you to also see your progress being made.




5. Lay Low and Build

I’m a firm believer that other people who aren’t really in your life for you can sometimes find their way in without you realizing it until it’s too late and they can spread their negative energy into your life. Have you noticed that sometimes if you’re sharing your plans, they somehow always seem to get soiled or you also just hate the feeling of possibly letting people down since you told them you’d do certain goals and things fell through? Simple fix: keep that shit to yourself. Sometimes it’s best to keep your plans to yourself and let them manifest. Oversharing can be a thing and a lot of the time we don’t know we are doing it, but it’s okay to keep things to self and only report the results. Everyone isn’t your friend and everyone isn’t rooting for you. Don’t let their hateration into your dancery.

Sometimes it isn’t really even hate, but they just don’t share the vision you do. Our friends and family sometimes want what’s best, but don’t realize that their insecurities about your plans are sometimes just that: their own. People tend to want to listen to the advice others tell us and it can sometimes deter you from really pursuing your goals. Careful who you share with. We all should know by now who you can confide in with serious plans and who you could possibly just wait on telling.

Set goals and accomplish them on your time and in your own little space. You’ll soon notice that your happiness is at a higher rate and your skin will be glowing and bank account flowing!



With that being said, I hope that you can really incorporate these things into your life and truly make a difference from here on out. Figure out where you want to really begin with modifying your life and set that plan. Don’t worry about the negative people - unfriend them in real life. Don’t worry about the naysayers - you’re not here for them. Don’t get caught up in the fast life for too long - the streets will age you. And definitely, definitely, definitely don’t let other people’s doubt and negative vibes interfere with your success - keep it on the hush. You’ve got this! From one person living their best f’ing life to another - LIVE YOUR BEST F***&%G LIFE!!



- Begum, Over and Out!  ;)




(I don't own any copyrights to any photos/graphics used in this post)

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